TL;DR: I’m using WireGuard. And it works perfectly. I’ve used it many times while traveling. I even picked-up a travel router — a GLiNet Slate Plus — and installed a WireGuard config on it, so that whenever my devices are connected to the travel router, they’re connected back to my home network. I’m also still using that subdomain for the VPN address that I set-up with DDNS.
It took me a couple attempts to get WireGuard working. Both relied on using Docker, at my friend’s insistence. I don’t really know how to use Docker — neither does he — so that became a huge impediment on my first attempt.
I found instructions on how to install WireGuard via Docker from And it worked! I downloaded a WireGuard client on my phone, installed the client configuration, and connected to the VPN. Connecting to the VPN is practically instant with WireGuard!
However, I only had that single config, which was shared across a couple laptops and my phone. While rare that I’d need multiple devices connected at the same time, it’d be impossible to do so with all of them sharing the same WG config. This, I believe, is because they’d all use the same private IP address, since WireGuard doesn’t have DHCP and instead assigns a static IP. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to create additional unique configs with that specific WireGuard implementation. Everything was done via CLI, and I’m already bad at using command line on Linux. Adding Docker to it all just made it 10x more confusing and worse.
So I tore it out. Almost literally, since I was so frustrated after spending several hours researching and trying things. Admittedly, I also recognize the irony here: my travel router shares its WireGuard VPN connection with all my devices connected to it, negating the need for separate, per-device VPN configs.
Anyway, I eventually found another WireGuard implementation called WireGuard Easy (WG-Easy). It, too, was installed with Docker. And, boy, was it actually easy! Having a Web UI made it real easy to manage.
Each of these devices has its own IP so they can be used all at the same time.
It’s just a few clicks to add a new client or remove one. I can even disable/enable a client via that red switch. Removing clients altogether is as simple as clicking the trashcan icon. It’ll even show me what devices are currently connected as it’ll show some basic traffic stats.
I do wish it had a more robust system for tracking those stats, historically. A log of when devices connected/disconnected would be nice too. But, hey, it’s called WG-Easy for a reason.
So yeah, the VPN is working fine. I’ve had no issues whatsoever since going to WG-Easy.
I would still like to have my VPN through my Unifi router. Mainly because then I could see all the devices connected to the network in one place. Since the VPN server is separate from the router, the Unifi Controller doesn’t see those devices, since the clients are on a separate subnet. But I’d need to replace my USG with something newer. And pricier.
Having done all the prep work for the Unifi L2TP VPN, I was ready to test it out. I turned on my hotspot on my phone and had my laptop connect to it. Using the built-in Windows VPN client, I went ahead and put my VPN address in, username and password, and the pre-shared key. Then I hit connect.
And it connected! Quickly and on the first attempt!
Of course, that’s only half the battle. Could I reach local network resources? Would the VPN forward my web traffic?
Yes and No. Great.
At first, pings to local resources failed. But then I realized that I was still running a firewall rule in Unifi that blocked all inter-VLAN traffic. After I turned those rules off, those pings, including to the router and a Windows server, started working.
I could even connect to network drives—though only using the IP address, and not with a hostname. In a command line, I ran ipconfig /all, and the entry for the L2TP VPN adapter showed the correct namesevers for my network. Strange.
On the web front, it failed completely. In Edge (Chromium-based), trying to go to any website failed immediately. Even trying to go to ESXI’s portal, which simply uses an IP address failed. Same happened in Chrome and Firefox.
OK, well maybe it wasn’t getting out to the Internet. I tried ping -t; that worked, so it was getting out to the Internet via the VPN. Then I tried pinging a domain, like or Interestingly, it resolved the IP address and the ping succeeded.
I checked that all custom firewall rules in Unifi were turned off, not that I had many. And certainly none related to blocking web traffic.
Well, maybe Windows itself is doing some kind of firewalling. I don’t understand why it would appear to be blocking only Port 80 web traffic when connected to this VPN (I often use a VPN for work and Windscribe when travelling and they work flawlessly), but I completely turned off all firewalls. Still didn’t solve the issue.
At this point, I start scouring the Internet. It seemed like many others had similar issues, with even a few having basically the same problem. But there was never a solution or something that I hadn’t tried already or some configuration change that was applicable to me. A common problem was people who were on the same subnet locally and on the VPN. That didn’t apply to me since my phone hotspot was using a completely different subnet from anything I use.
I was starting to get annoyed. I had to refocus. What could it not be? Because the VPN actually did connect, it couldn’t have been the domain and DDNS stuff I was doing the other day. The username, password, and PSK were correct as well. It wasn’t any custom Unifi firewall rules that I had in place, since those only dealt with inter-VLAN routing and I turned them off, and was able to reach other devices on the network.
Could it be the computer itself?
I know the Windows VPN client is crappy. Though I’ve also used it before with other VPN connections and it was fine. But it’s always good troubleshooting to isolate the problem as best as possible.
That led me to pull out my aging 8-9yo Macbook Pro. I connected it to my hotspot, created a new VPN connection, set it to be highest in the network order, and also set it to route all traffic down the VPN, and then pushed the “Connect” button.
It connected. I tried pinging local resources; success. I tried connecting via SMB to local resources; success. I even opened a movie that I had stored on that network drive; it played. OK, looking good. Time for the moment of truth: I opened Edge and went to a website.
It loaded! I navigated to ESXI’s login page, which I connect to using an IP address. It loaded. I went through several of my bookmarks, went to YouTube, watched a video—it all worked!
But was web really going through the VPN? For all I knew, it could have been simply “falling back” to the regular WiFi hotspot connection. However, in MacOS, there are some colored bars that show when sending and receiving traffic is going through the VPN connection. And guess what? As I made requests in the web browser, I could see the bars lighting up, especially when traffic was inbound.
So I did set-up the VPN properly! It was working exactly how it should! But then why the hell was it not working on my main Windows laptop?
For good measure, I restarted the laptop. Then I deleted the VPN connection in Windows and remade it. It connected just fine, but like before, network resources could be reached, but not web traffic.
How about the VPN client? Maybe Windows’ client really is that bad and the culprit. I looked around for a third party client and someone on reddit recommended the Draytek Smart VPN Client. Downloaded and installed it. Entered in the VPN settings. It connected. But like before…Exact. Same. Thing. Happened.
Which leaves me here, after 3-4hrs of messing with this. I don’t understand why it works perfectly on MacOS, but far from perfectly on Windows. I don’t understand why local traffic, and even domain resolution for command line ping and tracert commands, work, but not web traffic. I don’t understand why Spotify “half-loaded.” Forgot to mention that. Like the items on the app’s home screen wouldn’t load, but songs I know I’ve never played and downloaded onto that laptop actually played.
So 3-4hrs later, I’m defeated. I’m frustrated. I don’t know what else to do or where else to look. Even Ubiquiti’s Unifi forums aren’t super helpful. Lots of really old posts that I don’t think necessarily apply here. YouTube had several videos on creating the VPN, but not addressing this specific problem. Reddit’s Unifi forum had plenty of questions, but no answers. I’m at a loss.
But I need a VPN solution. A friend told me about OpenVPN’s free Access Server service. I also have a friend who uses WireGuard and (mostly) swears by it. Some time last year, I did make an attempt to build a self-hosted OpenVPN server, though it was quite technical. I’ll start looking into one of those options.
I set up a L2TP VPN in the Unifi Controller, no big deal. But then I remembered that I don’t have a static IP address at home. Like most households, I have a dynamic IP address. Of course, even dynamic IPs tend to be “sticky.” At my office about a year ago, I found out that our router was misconfigured and not using a static IP address like it was supposed to when VPN connections stopped working one day. But it had been like a year since it was initially (mis)configured! Sticky, indeed.
Same goes for residential; it’s not unusual for dynamic IPs addresses to last weeks or even months. However, I didn’t want to have to deal with my home VPN not working when I needed it due to “losing” my IP address.
Thank goodness for Dynamic DNS (DDNS). Fortunately, the Unifi Controller makes it easy to use DDNS services. Unfortunately, my host/registrar—Dreamhost, where this site is hosted—wasn’t included in the easy-to-set-up services list in the Controller. Typically for DDNS, if the router doesn’t have this function built-in, software can be downloaded that quietly runs in the background, periodically updating the DNS records with the current IP address. Dreamhost doesn’t have that though, because they don’t provide out-of-the-box DDNS service.
A quick Google search, however, revealed that some kind soul had created a bash script to run DDNS for Dreamhost. Which meant I’d have to host this on Linux. My Ubuntu VM that hosts the Unifi Controller seemed like a good place. No sense in spinning up another VM for something so lightweight.
This is where it snowballed. Mainly because I don’t have a whole lot of experience with Linux, especially in the command line.
Task 1 – Setting up XRDP
Whenever I need to go into that VM, I sign-in to ESXi and use the remote desktop in there. But it’s limited in resolution and sometimes ESXi signs me out. I needed a proper remote desktop program and have for awhile.
The main change I did here was to use a different port for RDP. I remember in my MSP days that it was important to change the port away from the default of 3389 for security purposes. Knowing that some blocks of ports shouldn’t be used, but not knowing which, I once again turned to Google. An answer from Stack Overflow gave me the answer I needed:
System Ports (0-1023): I don’t want to use any of these ports because the server may be running services on standard ports in this range
User Ports (1024-49151): Given that the applications are internal I don’t intend to request IANA to reserve a number for any of our applications. However, I’d like to reduce the likelihood of the same port being used by another process, e.g., Oracle Net Listener on 1521.
Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535): This range is ideal for custom port numbers.
Dynamic/Private sounds the best, but realistically, User Ports are better. The former is sometimes used by the OS or applications for ephemeral purposes and I don’t want to run into an issue where something is using my RDP port temporarily, blocking my access. I selected a random port number in the User Ports range that wasn’t known to be used by any applications by the IANA.
After setting up XRDP, I attempted to use Windows’ RDC to connect…and it failed. All I saw was a black screen momentarily, before the RDP connection close. Apparently that’s because XRDP only works when if the user account is signed-out locally. I’d forgotten that RDP isn’t like a “virtual KVM” like TeamViewer or ConnectWise. RDP actually requires signing-in to the user account and starting a new session. And obviously an account can be signed-in one place at a time. Same as Windows RDP.
Once realizing that and signing out Ubuntu via ESXi, I was able to sign-in!
Ubuntu looks a tad different in an RDP session.
So now that almost unrelated journey was over, it was time to get to the meat: setting up that bash script.
Task 2 – Running the Dreamhost Dynamic DNS Script
I’m not going to go through all the instructions since the script’s GitHub page lists them, but I’ll just briefly tell of things I got stuck on and how I got around it.
The command syntax is listed as
dynamicdns.bash [-Sd][-k API Key] [-r Record] [-i New IP Address] [-L Logging (true/false)]
I had already created the API key in Dreamhost and the new A Record (with a “fake” IP address) that I wanted the script to update. So just plug and chug at this point. The instructions for the -i flag said that if it was empty, the script would automatically use dig to find the external IP of the network. That’s obviously what I wanted since my home IP address could change. But then it kept giving me an error that the flag required an argument.
But I thought it’s supposed to have no argument…
Eventually, I tried not including that flag and it appeared to succeed! I checked out the DNS on the Dreamhost panel and the IP address was now showing my external IP. I tried updating the DNS with either various IPs via the script a few times to make sure it was working, and each time the A Record listed in the Dreamhost DNS showed the IP address I used.
Future configuration changes can be made in the config file that the script creates when it’s first run, instead of the command line. However, I couldn’t find where that was at first; it wasn’t in the same directory as the script itself. Reading through the script itself, it seemed that it created it in a hidden .config directory in the user home folder. The config file is conveniently called dynamicdns.
Naturally, I don’t want to have to manually run the script each time. The whole point of using DDNS services is that it’s periodic and automatic. If I have to run the script every time myself, might as well just forget all this and make the change manually in the DNS! Time to set up a Cronjob.
Task 3 – Automating via Cron
I’ve messed with Cron exactly once before. I can’t even remember why I did it and, therefore, didn’t remember how to use it. I followed this guide by Digital Ocean to install Cron (wasn’t sure if it was installed already). I chose to use nano as my editors because my experiences with vi have not been great.
Cron requires a schedule and the command or thing to run. I wanted to have the script run hourly, so that if my home IP did change, it’d get picked up relatively quickly (ignoring any delays in DNS propagation). Trying to understand how to format the schedule can be challenging…so back to Google, where it found the Crontab Guru.
Immature, I know.
Playing around with guru helped me better understand how the scheduling syntax worked, as opposed to reading examples. I quickly found that running the command hourly could be done with:
0 * * * *
Now all I needed was the command. Given that it was a bash script, I knew I’d need to use bash, followed by the path of the script. But what was the path of the script? It was in a subdirectory in my home directory, but what’s the path? I noticed that a lot of cron examples had something like ~/bin/filehere. What does the tilde mean?
Apparently it means the home directory. So after playing around a bit and testing—I set the schedule temporarily to run every 5 minutes and set the A Record IP to something else—I figured out the correct path after noticing the IP address in the DNS finally changed. This is what the complete cronjob looks like:
Maybe I should’ve tossed the script in ~/bin/
All Done! Maybe?
Well, no. This was all done just so I could set-up VPN access via the Unifi Controller. Which is set up, but I haven’t had a chance to test! It’s late and I’ll be in the office later this week, so I’ll try it out then.
Even though this was just prep work, it was good opportunity to play around with Ubuntu and Linux more, in particular the CLI. I recently expanded size of the Ubuntu VM and had to do a little bit of CLI work, but it really wasn’t that much. And I can’t imaging I’ll be doing that very often. Before this, I think the last time I played around in Terminal was when I was setting up the Unifi Controller as a service, via systemctl. So not a whole lot of experience collectively, but I’m hoping to do more stuff like so I can get better acquainted. That’s what a Homelab is for, right?
So this is a thing I’ve been wanting to do over the years but never got around to doing it: Recording when I finish a game. I am terrible about finishing games, especially JRPGs, so I feel like I need to keep a record of the rare times it actually happens!
I just finished the JRPG, “Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky” (Steam/PC). I’m not going to do a review, but it is an excellent game. But I knew that going into it. Because this is the second time I’ve completed it! I actually played it when it was it initially released in the West on the Playstation Portable (PSP) 10-15yrs ago. I’m pretty sure I still own the UMD disc for my still working PSP.
So why replay this game? Because there’s a second and third chapter to it. I initially expected to play at least the second chapter on the PSP back in the day, but unfortunately it never released to PSP. Instead the second chapter went to the PS3, and I just never got around to playing it.
Then it was re-released on Steam in 2014, and the remaining chapters were finally released on Steam in 2015 and 2017. As such, the second and third chapter have been on my radar for a while. I recently picked up the additional chapters, but since it’s been so long since I’ve played the first chapter, that I’d forgotten most of the story, it made sense to simply replay it. And I’m glad I did.
Some details of this playthrough:
Installed: 2022-09-23
Start Date: 2022-09-23, est.
Time in-game based on Steam: 80.7 hrs
Time in-game based on Save Data: 60.5 hrs
Completed: 2022-10-26
So 60-80hrs over about a month. Not bad. Especially when most of my JRPGs can take me years to finish, if I even do finish them. I often restart them multiple times, because I’ll sometimes put a JRPG down for a few years and forget everything (Looking at you Final Fantasy XII…).
On to the second chapter! My goal is to finish that one and the third by the end of the year.
Afterwards, maybe I’ll move to some of the other LoH games that I’ve been working on over the years. The LoH series has quite a lot of games, much like the Final Fantasy series. “Trails” is just one subseries of LoH. I played all of and completed 2/3 of the so-called “Gagharv” subseries on PSP back in the day. I also completed the first chapter of the “Trails in the Sky” subseries on my Vita, and have been playing the second chapter on and off for the last few years. See what I mean?
One last thing…
Other games I’ve completed in 2022 so far:
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4) – Completed on 2nd restart.
Desperados III (Steam/PC) – Finished 2022-05-17; started it back in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Steam/PC), both first and second parts – Finished 2022-09-05; started 2021-07-30.
From the moment I woke up, through work, and into the afternoon, I was constantly monitoring my network. I have the Unifi app on my phone, so it was easy to see the list of clients connected to WiFi. Luckily, nothing unexpected connected.
Maybe the “Special Victims Unit” can investigate
At this point, I assumed my neighborly adversary (adversarial neighbor?) knew they had been caught. The WiFi network they had connected to had disappeared overnight, as did my similarly named “main” one. In its place, a new SSID would pop up on “Emily’s iPad” when they tried to connect, with a name that wasn’t mean, crude, or insulting, but one with a subtle message that basically says, “I see you and I know what you did.”
I forgot to mention that my main WLAN has always used WPA2/WPA3 for authenticating. I think there are ways to crack WPA2, but I’ll get into that in the future.
Once I got home, I jumped back onto the Unifi Controller to see what information I could glean. Having “fancy” Ubiquiti Unifi gear means the platform records and stores a lot more information than the average household router. I mentioned in the previous Chronicle that the Controller can tell me the device manufacturer by looking up MAC addresses. I can also see connection histories. With packet sniffing and traffic analysis tools, I can also see general traffic usage, i.e. where they were going.
So when did they first get on my network?
Unifi gives alerts when devices disconnect and connect. I silenced these alerts, because that’d be annoying for as many devices I have, but it records these nonetheless. It also shows the last 5 times a device connected, along with a duration. Most of the unauthorized devices appeared to have connected within the last 10-14 days. However, I did see one device with a recorded connection date around 20 days ago. It was connected for 13 days straight. It had “Amazon” in the hostname, so I’m assuming it’s some kind of smart home device that’s always on.
Sadly, because my server, and therefore Controller, was turned off to save on AC and electricity costs, there are large gaps in the 2-3 month history. It’s possible the devices were connected further back than 20 days ago. But that “Amazon” device only had two entries; 20 days ago and then overnight when I powercycled the WAP. So I’m assuming that nearly 3 weeks ago was when they first cracked the password.
Where did they go or what did they do?
Naturally, my next bit of curiosity was wanting to know what they were doing while connected. I needed to know if the adversaries were doing illegal things. Were they engaged in piracy? I don’t need a(nother) copyright strike on my ISP records! I hope to god they weren’t doing anything more illegal than that.
The Insights tab for the blocked devices showed me generally what they were doing. And it was mostly mundane, everyday stuff. Lots of streaming content from YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc. Looking at that “Amazon” device, I could see traffic entries for Hulu and Amazon Video. Maybe it’s not a smart home device, but instead a Fire Stick or Fire Tablet. Interestingly, I deduced they have a child: I found a traffic entry on a blocked device for Roblox, the popular kids game. I’m more of a Minecraft guy, myself.
Roblox? Oof.
Looking at Internet traffic overall, I could see there were other devices that were connected prior to my discovery. The only ones I outright blocked were those that happened to be connected to WiFi at the time. There was traffic to Xbox gaming services, which was tied to a device with an appropriate hostname: XboxOne. It looked like they downloaded a game or update/patch since it was a sizable 1.75GB download.
Probably some Call of Duty “scrub noob.”
But overall, traffic was pretty low. Certainly not enough for me to notice Internet speed degradation. Helps that I have gigabit fiber.
It doesn’t look like they were engaging in torrenting of pirated material, but at the same time, I’m not familiar with how that would look in Unifi. There isn’t a “Torrenting” category of traffic that popped up and I don’t know if that exists. But given the overall low data usage, it doesn’t seem that way.
Is this a crime?
I do want to point out that what “Emily” did is highly illegal. They hacked/cracked their way into my network. Every state in the US has laws on the books about this, as does the federal government, I’m sure. But not only did they engage in unauthorized access to a network, they also used my Internet connection, that I pay for. That’s theft of services. I didn’t authorize “Emily” and their family to be on my network, nor did I allow them to use my Internet connection.
“Unauthorized access” entails approaching, trespassing within, communicating with, storing data in, retrieving data from, or otherwise intercepting and changing computer resources without consent. These laws relate to these and other actions that interfere with computers, systems, programs or networks.
But then who would I report this to? And who would investigate this? My city PD and the state have more important things to worry about. I think.
Speaking of worry, because of how they entered the network, by cracking into it, I’m still worried about my computers. While one of my cybersecurity buddies introduced me to SIEMs a few months ago and had me install Wazuh on my server, I only have it monitoring one computer, the one I use the most. I have other computers that are on almost all the time that I don’t use as much. More importantly, I’m not anywhere near proficient enough to be able to analyze all the logs that Wazuh is collecting. As a result, I still need to figure out what I want or need to do about my computers. Were they able to gain access to them? Upload and run malicious code?
On the other hand, someone online that I talked to about this did mention that it was odd that they didn’t attempt to obfuscate their device names. So maybe they’re just a “script kiddie” that for some reason can’t or doesn’t want to pay for their own Internet like an adult.
Regardless, it still has me worried. And that’s the rub. Even though this was entirely digital, it feels the same as if someone physically broke in and entered my home without me knowing. And then stayed there, hidden away, in the attic.
As an introvert and a sort of hermit (Look, it’s hot and humid as hell out there!), my home is my sanctuary. I’m sure that’s true for everyone, introvert or not. But because I spend so much time on my computers for work and for leisure, that too is my “home,” as sad and ridiculous as that may sound. Same concept though; in this world we live in, our “digital life” through our devices and everything stored on them is important to each of us. Find me a person that would be OK with someone “rifling” through their cell phone. Or OK with someone posting even a silly status on their Facebook or Twitter behind their back. Some people don’t even want their family or significant others to look through their phone, much less a stranger. My privacy has been invaded and my feeling of safety, shattered. It sounds dramatic, but it’s true.
I still have work to clean this up. And I have some ideas. But I’ll get to that on my next post, Soon™, which will wrap this ‘incident’ up.
It’s been awhile since I’ve done anything with my Homelab. I’ve been busy with work, travel, and lounging around. There’ve even been extended periods over the last 2-3 months where my server has been completely turned off so I can save some money on electricity during the hot, hot summer. Plus, when it’s 100°F (37.7°C) outside and my AC is trying to keep things at a “cool” 78°F (25.6°C), the last thing I need is a server putting out even more heat.
But I was forced to take a look at things the other night when my Ubiquiti USG was making strange sounds. Fearing that it was going out, I wanted to look around to see how much a replacement would cost. I needed some information on my USG, so around midnight before going to bed, I booted up the server — it hosts an Ubuntu VM that itself hosts the Unifi Controller — and signed-in to the Unifi Controller via Web.
Almost immediately I was struck by how many clients were supposedly connected to the network: 34 devices.
Now, I’m a single guy with no kids, living in a 2-bedroom apartment. But I’m also an IT professional, a geek, and a gamer. I have several computers, cell phones, tablets, consoles, and such. I also have some smart home stuff like plugs, thermostat, cameras, etc. But the number of devices connected is pretty stable. Like 20-25.
So to see 34 clients was surprising.
I started with the list of wired connections. About 10 devices that I mostly recognized, even with just MAC addresses. Unifi has a neat feature where it’ll lookup MAC addresses to find manufacturer information. Anyway, all good there. So I went to the list of wireless connections.
At the very top of the list, I saw 10 devices that I didn’t recognize. One had a hostname of “Emilys-iPad.” I’m not an Emily. I don’t know an Emily. And I certainly don’t have an iPad named Emily…’s-iPad.
Who the hell is Emily and why does she have an iPad on my network?
My heart started racing and I got jitters. Devices were on my WiFi network that were not mine. Devices that I didn’t authorize, by someone that I didn’t know. There were a couple Amazon devices, an LG device, and other hostnames I didn’t recognize. But I don’t have any Amazon devices, nor LG.
How long have these been on my network? Whose are these? But more importantly, how did they get on the network?
I didn’t spend much time answering those questions, as the situation needed to be dealt with. Instead of going to bed, I took a screenshot of the device list with hostnames and MAC addresses, and then immediately got to work.
To start, I disconnected and blocked all the devices from connecting to my WAP. I noticed that all the devices were connected to a secondary WLAN with a separate SSID; more on that in a second. I disabled and then deleted that WLAN. I then powercycled the USG and the Unifi WAP to make sure those devices were off the WLAN and wouldn’t be able to connect again. When it restarted, nothing was connected to that WLAN and only my devices were connected to the “main” WLAN. The threats were removed.
OK, so now about this WLAN. Some months ago, I whipped out my old Playstation Portable (PSP). I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to find some old games on the Playstation Store, so I needed to connect my PSP to the Internet. I have a modern WiFi 6 (802.11ax) Unifi AP. Unfortunately, the PSP, being so old, can only connect to 802.11b or 802.11g networks. I can’t remember the decision making process, but I eventually created a secondary WLAN, that was specifically for b/g devices. And of course I password protected it. However, since the PSP is old, I used the old-school WEP (Wireless Equivalent Privacy) as the password protocol.
Devices were on my WiFi network that were not mine. Devices that I didn’t authorize, by someone that I didn’t know.
Anyway, after I was finished with my PSP, I didn’t take the network down. “Never know when I might want to use it again,” I thought. So I left it up. Nothing was connected to it since. Since then, I’ve signed-in to the Unifi Controller a handful of times and never noticed anything other than my devices on my main WLAN. I honestly forgot that I even had it up. Until this happened.
With the threats neutralized, I could finally start doing some investigating. And my first question was obviously how they got on the network.
I’m assuming I password protected the WLAN. Because I’m not an idiot. Usually. But if it was only with WEP…well, there’s a reason why we’ve moved to WPA (WiFi Protected Access), WPA2, and WPA3.
According to Wikipedia, WEP was created in 1999. 23yrs ago. And over time, major vulnerabilities were found quickly. Without getting into the nitty-gritty, it’s not hard to crack a WEP password. There are programs out there online that are easy to find to sniff packets, analyze data, and eventually crack the password. Possibly in minutes.
That said…it’s not exactly something I’d expect my average neighbor to be doing. I’ve known about cracking WiFi passwords and “wardriving” for a long time. But even I’ve never done it.
I got a little nervous thinking about that. What kind of adversary is one of my neighbors? Are they also an IT person? Maybe a security professional?
And if they were on my network, what else did they see or even touch? In retrospect, it was dumb of me to do this, but I didn’t put that WLAN on a separate VLAN. I mean, why would I? I’m the only one connecting to it, with my one device. What that means is if anything connects to that b/g network, they’re on THE network. They can see my computers, my server, my consoles, my smart devices…everything.
Do I now have to wipe all my computers and VMs? I mean, some need it, but it’s still an undertaking to have to redo everything. It’d likely take a whole weekend and then some.
That led me down another path, concerning my “main” WLAN. Did I use the same password for that b/g network, too? If so, they’d know the password to my main WLAN, as well, which has a different, but similarly-styled SSID.
So I nuked my main WLAN and created an entirely new one with a new SSID and new complex password. I then had to reconnect my smart home devices.
At that point, it was already around 2:00am, and I had to go into the office in the morning. What started as me wanting to find some model information on my USG turned into DEFCON1 at home.
But with the unauthorized devices off the network, a new WLAN, and the important devices back online, I felt somewhat comfortable going to bed. The investigation would have to wait until I got home the next day.
I woke up early today, on a Saturday, to my alarm clock(s) going off. I was planning to go to a St. Patrick’s Day Parade and post-parade party with a friend. After turning off my phone alarm(s), I told my Google Nest Mini to stop the alarm that was blaring.
Unfortunately, it informed me that something went wrong. Though it did turn off. Usually when my Google Nest Mini has issues, it’s because WiFi messed up. So I stumbled out of bed, still half-asleep, to the guest bedroom, where the network “rack”—a small metal bookshelf—and the Unifi AP was at. My main 24-port switch had lights blinking. I looked up at the AP high up on the wall and saw the steady ring of blue light, indicating everything was working. OK, so not a WiFi problem, nor a network problem. Probably.
In the hallway, I passed by my Ecobee thermostat to turn the heat up a little and then noticed a “?” mark on the button for local weather. Ah, so I didn’t have Internet. Back in my room and I picked up my phone: 5G, instead of WiFi. On my computer, the Formula 1 livestream of the Bahrain track test, which I fell asleep to, had stopped. And reloading the page simply displayed a “No connection” error. I opened a command prompt and ran ipconfig /all and ping The ping didn’t go anywhere, but I still had a proper internal IP in the subnet. Interesting. Guess the DHCP lease was still good.
Only one last place to check: the living room where the Google Fiber Jack and my Unifi Secure Gateway router were. Maybe there was a Fiber outage. Or maybe my cat had accidentally knocked the AC adapter off messing around in places he shouldn’t. Sunlight was streaming in from the balcony sliding door, making it hard to see the LED on the Jack. I covered the LED on the Fiber Jack with my hands as best as I could: it was blue. Which meant this wasn’t an outage. Uh oh. Only one other thing it could be.
Next to the Fiber Jack, surrounding my TV, I have some shelving with knickknacks and little bits of artwork. Hidden behind one art piece is my USG and an 8-port switch. I removed the art to see the devices. The switch was blinking normally. But on the USG, the console light was blinking with periodicity, while the WAN and LAN lights were out. Oh no, please don’t tell me the “magic smoke” escaped from the USG.
On closer inspection, it looked like the USG was trying to boot up repeatedly. It was even making a weird sound like a little yelp in time with the console LED going on and off. So I traced the power cable to the power strip and unplugged it, waited 15 seconds, and plugged it in again. Same thing happened. I really didn’t want to have to buy a new USG; they’re not terribly expensive, but they’re not inexpensive, either.
I tried plugging it into a different outlet on the power strip, but it kept quickly boot-looping. I then brought it to a different room and plugged it into a power outlet; no change. Great.
But then I noticed that there was a little green LED on the power brick. And it was flashing at the same frequency as the USG’s console light when plugged in. Hmm, maybe the power adapter went bad. I could deal with that, provided I had a spare lying around.
The Unifi power brick said “12V, 1 amp” for the output. So I started looking around. On my rack, I had an external HDD that was cold. I looked at its AC adapter and saw “12V, 2 amps.” That was promising, but could I use a 2 amp power supply on a device that only wants 1 amp? I looked online, via my phone, and the Internet said, “Yes.” Perfect.
I swapped the AC adapter on the USG. The little barrel connector that goes into the USG seemed to fit, if not just a smidge loose. Then I plugged it back into the wall.
It turned on and stayed on! Ha!
I brought it back to the shelf and reconnected everything. It took about 5 minutes for it to fully boot up. Afterwards, I went back to my computer and waited for an Internet connection to come back, and it did.
All in all, it was a 15-20 minute troubleshooting adventure. Not what I preferred to do straight out of bed on a Saturday morning, but it got fixed. I already ordered a new AC adapter from Amazon that should arrive in a few days.
Afterwards, I got ready and went to the parade. A bit nippy at about 25°F (about -3°C), but at least it was bright and sunny with barely any wind. I went to the party and had a couple beers. It definitely made up for the morning IT sesh.
Sometime around the new year, one of the drives in my server appeared to have died. I had some issues with it in the past, but usually unseating and reseating it seemed to fix whatever problems it was presenting. But not this time.
My server has 7 500GB HDDs, set-up in a RAID 5 configuration. It gives me about 2.7TB of storage space. These are just consumer-level WD Blue 7200rpm drives. It’s a Homelab that’s mainly experimental; I’m not into spending big money on it. Not yet, anyway.
While I’ve since heard that RAID 5 isn’t great, I’m OK with this since this is just a Homelab. Anyway, in RAID5, one drive can die and the array will still function. Which is exactly what happened here.
However, I began tempting fate by not immediately swapping the failed drive. I didn’t have any spares at home, but more importantly, I was being cheap. So I let it run in a degraded state for a month or two months. This was very dangerous as I don’t backup the VMs or ESXi. I only backup my main Windows Server instance via Windows Server backup to an external HDD. Even then, I’ve committed the common cardinal sin of backups: I’ve yet to test a single WS backup. So using something like Veeam is probably worth looking into for backing up full VMs. And of course testing my Windows Server full bare-metal backups.
Luckily, fates were on my side and no other drive failures were reported. I finally got around to replacing the drive about month ago. Got my hands on a similar WD Blue 500GB drive; a used one at that. It was pretty straightforward. I swapped the drives, went into the RAID configuration in the system BIOS, designated the drive as part of the array, and then had it rebuild. I think it took at least 10hrs.
While it was rebuilding, everything else was down. All VMs were down, because ESXi was down. Thought it best to rebuild while nothing else was happening. Who knows how long it would’ve taken otherwise and if I’d run into other issues. I wonder how this is done on real-life production servers.
Afterwards, the RAID controller reported that everything was in tip-top shape.
But of course, I wanted more. More storage, that is. I ended up getting two of the 500GB WD Blue HDDs: one for the replacement and the other as an additional disk to the array.
Unfortunately, Dell does not make it easy to add additional drives to an existing array. I couldn’t do it directly on the RAID controller (pressing Ctrl+R during boot), nor in Dell’s GUI-based BIOS or Lifecycle Controller. IDRAC didn’t allow it either.
Looking around online, it seemed that the only way to do it would be via something called OpenManage, some kind of remote system controller from Dell. But I couldn’t get it to work no matter what I did. The instructions on what I needed to install, how to install it once I figured out what to install, nor how to actually use it once I determined how to install it, were poor. Thanks, Dell.
In the end, after spending at least a few hours researching and experimenting, it didn’t seem worth it for 500GB more of storage space. I did add the 8th drive in, but as a hot spare. I may even take it out and use it as cold spare.
But yeah, I can now say that I’ve dealt with a failed drive in a RAID configuration. Hopefully it never goes further than that.
I’m typing this from my new digs. “New” is relative; I’ve been here three months already, yet still living out of boxes to an extent. Though all the important stuff is up and running like my computers, the network, the TV, and my bed.
My network diagram needs to be re-done, as I’ve had to move switches and routers around to make the physical infrastructure work for this apartment. The Google Fiber jack is in the living room, but some computers and network equipment are in bedrooms. Logically speaking, however, the network is still the same.
Main difference is that I have more lengths of cable running along the carpet than I did before, so I’ve had to secure the Ethernet cables to the baseboards so that I or my cat don’t trip over it. It actually looks pretty good!
As part of getting a new place, I did some additional home automation upgrades. My electric company was offering free Smart Thermostats, so I took advantage. I also replaced and added additional TP-Link Kasa Smart Plugs to control lamps around my apartment.
However, a peculiar situation arose when the power went out briefly a couple times from a bad storm. After everything came back on and online, the smart plugs stopped working properly. Only a hard power cycle—literally unplugging and re-plugging in the smart plug—seemed to fix it.
I won’t go into the whole ordeal, but after asking around on reddit, someone suggested the solution possibly lay with DNS. Because of course it’s always DNS.
DC01, a VM on my server, is the primary DNS on the network. When the power goes out, DNS becomes unavailable. Everything loses power, of course. However, everything else comes back online faster, including my router, the AP, switches, computers, and the smart plugs. The server, on the other hand, takes several minutes to boot RAID, boot ESXi, and finally boot Windows Server and make the DNS available.
I’m assuming that when the network goes down, the computers maintain their DHCP lease information, including DNS settings. However, that didn’t seem to be the case with the smart plugs. They may keep their dynamic IPs, but DNS settings do not appear to stay. Not entirely sure what goes on.
So this was a perfect opportunity to attempt Conditional Forwarding on my Unifi Secure Gateway. Conditional forwarding, as the name suggests, allows for DNS requests to go to specific DNS servers depending on the request itself.
Why will this fix my problem? Because I have an AD domain on the network, which requires DNS. Some computers are on the domain, while other computers aren’t, along with all the IoT devices. But all use the same internal DNS servers, with the DNS settings being handed out via DHCP from the router.
I found some resources on how to do this and it’s relatively easy. I won’t go into the how-to, but I’ll share the guides:
The first two options lines associate AD domain references with the internal DNS servers. The last two options denote that any other requests should go to Google Public DNS or Quad9, another public DNS.
As you can see, when host name GRSRVDC01 was queried with nslookup, the result came back from the internal DNS server. Same with the FQDN of the AD domain. But when—this website—was queried, it went outbound.
So mission success!
There were a couple other ways I could have fixed this. Buying a UPS for the server was probably the easiest. Which I still need to do. I also could have manually set DNS on domain computers, while letting the USG give out public DNS settings to the rest of the devices. But neither would have been as fun and also free.
I also don’t like using static network settings, aside from a device IP. Since this is an experimental homelab, some computers that are on the domain today might not be tomorrow and vice versa. I want systems to automatically receive necessary settings based on new or changing conditions or attributes.
The last thing I’ll mention is regarding uploading the config.gateway.json file. I host my Unifi Controller on an Ubuntu VM. So instead of using SSH to get in and upload the file, I simply dragged and dropped the file in to the correct folder. Unfortunately, finding the folder proved tougher than expected. Because the folder didn’t exist.
The trick to get the folder created was to go into the Controller UI, and upload an image of a floorplan. In the old UI, the path is:
Map > Floorplan (Topology dropdown top left) > Add New Floorplan > Choose Floorplan Image.
Any image will work, since the goal is simply to get the folder created. After that, the floorplan can be deleted, if desired.
That’s it for this round. I’m thinking that my next project will be to set up a VPN server to allow me to remote-in to the network when I’m away. Though we’ll see if I have the motivation anytime soon!
The power went out recently in my neighborhood. Neighboring buildings were completely dark, as was mine. I was cooking dinner at the time, so not only was I hungry, but I was also in the dark.
And so was the server. Now I don’t host any crucial services on there. It’s a Homelab; it’s just for funsies. But I still need to get an uninterruptable power supply (UPS), at least to allow for graceful shutdown when these rare outages happen. Twice the power tried to come on minutes after the outage. That means power went out three times; two of those times, the server got power for just a moment before turning off again, since I have the machine set to automatically start after power failure. I don’t know what that does to a machine, but it can’t be good. Especially an old boy like mine.
That said, I don’t expect I’ll get a long-lasting UPS. The outage was long: 45 minutes. There’s no way I could keep a server going for that long on a UPS. At least one that I could afford. Plus, it’d be worthless to do so since everything else was unpowered: my computers, the router and switches, the fiber jack, etc. So I only need something that can last 10-15min. It’d also be nice if it the UPS had someway to trigger a shutdown of ESXi, but that might be asking too much.
I’ve researched this before, but I think I’ll get back on it. Maybe even a refurbished one is good enough.
On a side note, this will lead to my next task: setting up those Conditional DNS Forwarders I mentioned in my previous post. When the power did come back on, the router and Internet fiber jack came on quickly. But since DNS is on the server, and the server takes like 10 minutes total to boot, then for ESXi to boot, then the Window Server to boot, I didn’t have Internet during that time. First World Problem at home, sure, but in a business environment, that could be pretty annoying, especially if the issue is a server being down, while everything else is up.
Yes, that was my view above during the outage. Yes, those buildings had power, while I had none. I guess I live on the edge of a neighborhood grid. The buildings to the side and “behind” me had no power, while those in “front” of me did.
Honestly, it was kind of nice to sit in the darkness for 45min. I had my phone, so it wasn’t terrible. But I was still hungry.